Получил сегодня письмо (рассылку) от президента ILDA: To ILDA Members and interested laserists -- As you may know, three days ago the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration issued a press release stating that there were 2,836 "laser events" in 2010, where aircraft saw or were illuminated by laser light. This received widespread press. Fortunately, of the 376 articles I monitored, only one had even a passing reference to laser light shows. So it is clear that the FAA and media associate these incidents with the general public and not with laser light shows. The New York Times did a more in-depth article, which appears in today's (Saturday's) paper on page A11. The article has a couple of quotes from me, both in my role as ILDA Executive Director and also from my work with LaserPointerSafety.com. I actually spoke at great length with the reporter earlier in the day. I feel this helped her understand subtleties such as the fact that no single action is the "magic bullet" that will solve this problem. If you are interested, the article is online at http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/22/us/22 ... l?_r=1&hpw Finally, I should mention that the Board is actively discussing any official ILDA reaction to the FAA press release. Sometimes people don't see the work that goes on behind the scenes, but believe me, it is going on <g>. Thanks, -- Patrick Murphy, ILDA
Re: The New York Times : 2836 раз лазером по самолётах в 201 Это плохо, ужасно плохо, что находится столько идиотов, светящих лазерами в транспорт( кстати, в машины тоже часто светят).
Re: The New York Times : 2836 раз лазером по самолётах в 201 Вот даунов наплодили )))) Точная статистика болванов с лазерами
Re: The New York Times : 2836 раз лазером по самолётах в 201 У нас в начале декабря кто-то с 16 этажа дома играл зелёным с детьми на детской площадке под домом. На вид приблизительно милливатт от 20 до 50. А по машинам и самолётам - это здесь уже обычное дело, как по окнам домов.